To understand the Bible, we need God’s wisdom
In October of 2023 I began preaching a series of sermons and writing in this blog on the marks of a true disciple of Jesus. The series resulted from my devotional reading of the four Gospels, in particular the Gospel of Luke. I was struck by how many times Jesus says certain qualities must be found in those who want to be saved by him and how high he raised the bar. Eventually, compelled by what I felt Jesus required, I developed a list of 15 marks of a true disciple of Jesus.
Around this time I also read two books that refined my theology and deepened my confidence in my understanding of the nature of faith and works: What Is Saving Faith? Reflections on Receiving Christ as a Treasure, by John Piper, and Free Grace Theology: 5 Ways It Diminishes the Gospel, by Wayne Grudem. Both authors taught that true faith in Christ necessarily results in a changed heart and life. These changes do not save us; only the righteousness of Christ received as a gift of God’s grace through faith in Christ can do that. But true faith always results in the necessary works Jesus requires of us. As Martin Luther famously said, “We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone.”
I concluded that unless these marks are present in the life of a believer, he or she is not a true Christian. In other words, if you are not a disciple of Jesus, you are not a Christian, no matter what you call yourself. Certainly no one is a perfect disciple, and every believer sins. We begin the Christian life as a babe in Christ, with many things to learn, many thoughts that need to be renewed, and many evil habits to outgrow. True Christians mature at different rates over the entire course of their lives. Some true Christians will stumble and fail in serious ways. Nevertheless to some degree these 15 marks of a true disciple, as taught by Jesus, will appear in the lives of those who have true, living faith in Jesus.
Second thoughts
I taught that series with conviction in our church for four months, and wrote on it in this blog over the same period. However, sometime after finishing that series I began to question myself. Many pastors and theologians would disagree with what I taught in that series. Was I raising the bar too high? In effect was I preaching a gospel of salvation by works?
The more I thought about it the more concerned I became. To preach salvation by works is to preach a false gospel and to become a false teacher. That is serious, deadly business, as the Book of Galatians makes clear. I presented my series to a respected pastor and asked him to read it and evaluate my theology. To my relief, he gave his stamp of approval.
Still, wanting further reassurance, I soon put the question on my list of prayer requests for wisdom, writing, “Does my teaching about the marks of a true disciple agree with the true gospel, or is it a false gospel? Is it a false gospel to say that a believer is not saved unless he is a true disciple?”
Questions answered
A few months later I received what I now regard as the definitive answer to my request for wisdom. On February 21st, 2025, I was fasting and praying in my office, and for some reason my eyes settled on a book that I have owned for at least 13 years but had only partially read: Magnifying God in Christ, a New Testament theology by Thomas R. Schreiner. Over the years my respect for Schreiner as a theologian has grown, and for some reason I pulled the book off the shelf. I opened to the table of contents and read. I saw that chapter 10 was titled Faith and Obedience, and it occurred to me this might say something pertaining to my burning question.
As I read, it felt as though the chapter was written directly to my question and that it affirmed my conclusions. Schreiner’s book felt like a God-send. (Caveat: I do not know if Schreiner, Piper, or Grudem would affirm my conclusions as I worded them, or my list of 15 marks, but I understand their writing to support what I wrote.)
Praying for wisdom about theological questions and biblical interpretation has become one of my most cherished categories for inquiring of God. I believe this was one more example of God’s answering my prayers for wisdom. When I pray for wisdom, God leads me to answers in providential ways, as he led Moses to the burning bush.
Learn to pray for wisdom in all things from my book, Know, available on Amazon.