June 2020 Newsletter

In the Spruce Forest at Morton Arboretum, a tree struck by lightning
Self, June 2020, untouched by lightning

During the corona-virus pandemic, God has protected my health and the health of everyone in my family and church. I thank him for this mercy.

Church happenings: During the lockdown, for two months now we have had a prayer meeting every weeknight on Zoom, which has been a great joy and will be my enduring memory of this time.

Preaching: Over the last several months, I gave a series of ten sermons on Psalm 91.

My favorite posts of the last five months:

Listen: Do you ever feel as though you are waiting for God to do something, and he is taking a long, long time? I invite you to listen to my reading of one chapter from a book I have written but not yet published. The chapter is titled Tested by Waiting. I welcome your feedback (in the comments below or send me an email).

Scriptures I have memorized and recently meditated on: Psalm 91:1–16. Matthew 17:19–20. Matthew 21:20–22. Mark 11:20–25. Luke 17:5–6

Reading: The Atonement, by Leon Morris. Systematic Theology, by John Frame. Leviticus, by Gordon Wenham.