Faithful Love

You can trust God because at the core of God’s idea of love is faithfulness. He is a covenant maker and a covenant keeper. He is a promise maker and a promise keeper. He is a truth teller and a truth keeper. The Lord values permanent relationships.

trust God

Lamentations 3:22–23 says, “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

The Lord’s love for you is steadfast and faithful.

You can trust God for everything that really matters.

Many relationships fall out, lose steam, break, even end in betrayal. But not your relationship with God, for he will never betray you, never become bored with you, never lose interest in you, never weaken in his devotion and commitment to you.

God is a relater. He loves people. He loves relationships, permanent relationships, truthful relationships.

You can trust God because he is a covenant keeper

The Lord is a covenant maker and a covenant keeper. He wants covenants and commitments with others. He made a covenant with Noah and his descendants after the flood, which is why we have rainbows. He made a covenant with Abraham and his descendants. He made a covenant with the nation of Israel.

Jesus made a covenant with all those who follow him: “In the same way also he took the cup, after supper, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.’” (1 Corinthians 11:25 ESV)

God is the polar opposite of Judas and treacherous humanity.

God is absolutely faithful to his covenants. At the core of God’s idea of love is faithfulness.

You can trust God because he is a promise keeper

Moreover, God is a promise maker and promise keeper. He relates to us on the basis of promises he makes to act in certain ways, which he requires us to believe. Through this, he wants to display his faithfulness. He delights to show his faithfulness to his promises.

God made promises to Adam and Eve, to Noah and his descendants, to Abraham and Sarah, to Isaac and Rebekah—to everyone, everyone in the Old Testament, everyone in the New Testament. Jesus made promise after promise.

And God expects us to believe every one of them. They are important to him because faithfulness is important to him. Promises are God’s love language. It’s his way of relating to us. He delights to make promises, to see us believe his promises, and then to keep his own promises.

It offends God tremendously if we don’t believe his promises, don’t trust him. It offends him so much that it limits what blessings he pours into our lives. Unbelief restricts who God will be to us. (Mark 6:5–6; Hebrews 11:6; James 1:6–8)

You can’t know God apart from believing his promises. The sure way to see your relationship with God dry up is to stop believing what he says, to doubt the Bible. The sure way to see your relationship with God flourish is to believe his written Word without question, without qualification. When you trust his promises for however long is required, which sometimes takes many years, even decades, even a lifetime, even more than a lifetime, you will ultimately discover the perfect faithfulness of God.

You can trust God because he is a truth keeper

In his faithfulness, God is a truth teller and a truth keeper. He is perfectly faithful to truth, to reality, to all that he says, to all that he is. He is truth. (2 Timothy 2:13)

Truth and love never part ways in God. He is faithful to speak the truth in love. (Ephesians 4:15; 1 John 3:18; 2 John 1:1–3)

Deception is betrayal. Lies break relationships. Relationships are founded on trust, and trust is founded on truth.

At the core of God’s idea of love is truth.

Our way and God’s way

Our way: The love of fallen men is treacherous. They betray and fail each other. They break covenants and commitments. They divorce. They deceive. They don’t do what they say.

God’s way: God’s love is perfectly, absolutely faithful and true.

Life principle: Every day, morning and evening, God’s steadfast love calls for our praise. “It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night” (Psalm 92:1–2). God calls us to love him and one another with steadfast love and faithfulness. You need to trust in God’s steadfast love at all times, in every situation, no matter how difficult or painful your circumstances. In a world of shifting sand and miry clay, his faithfulness is your rock and his Word is your reality.