The Holy One Is Righteous and Just

To say God is holy is to say he is the sovereign king who always does what is right and just. In fact, his character and will are the yardstick of righteousness and justice, and he will not compromise that standard for anyone.

by Pastor Brian Larson, delivered to the congregation of Lake Shore Church in Chicago on June 13, 2021

Absolutely Pure

Who wants food with a long list of artificial ingredients? Who wants corrupt politicians? Who wants polluted air and water? Pure is good.

To say God is holy is to say he is absolutely pure, meaning he is uncontaminated by any trace of evil.

by Pastor Brian Larson, delivered to the congregation of Lake Shore Church in Chicago on June 6, 2021

Trusting God When Loved Ones Pass Away

You may have loved ones who have passed away from COVID or some other disease, even though you prayed much and had strong faith for their recovery. If you are feeling disillusioned and now have trouble with prayer, here are important truths that can restore your full faith.

by Pastor Brian Larson, delivered to the congregation of Lake Shore Church in Chicago on May 30, 2021

Most Sacred

This is the fourth message from the series, “Seven Aspects of God’s Holiness.”

When God describes himself as holy, it means he is the one we must treat with ultimate reverence and even with appropriate fear. Of all that exists, he is the one who is not merely sacred, but most sacred.

by Pastor Brian Larson, delivered to the congregation of Lake Shore Church in Chicago on May 9, 2021

Perfect Goodness

This is the third message from the series, “Seven Aspects of God’s Holiness.”

God is holy because he alone is perfectly good. Thus in his holy goodness he is infinitely gracious, loving, righteous, just, benevolent, generous, kind. In his holy goodness, he is the giver of every good thing.

by Pastor Brian Larson, delivered to the congregation of Lake Shore Church in Chicago on May 2, 2021

Seven Aspects of God’s Holiness: Exalted in Awesome Majesty

This is the second message from the series, “Seven Aspects of God’s Holiness.”

God is holy because he is the royal Majesty in heaven. He is high above and transcendent over all creation. He is resplendent in unapproachable light. His beauty is beatific, inspiring unending bliss. 

by Pastor Brian Larson, delivered to the congregation of Lake Shore Church in Chicago on April 25, 2021

Seven Aspects of God’s Holiness: The Only God

This is the first message in the series, Seven Aspects of God’s Holiness.

God is holy because he is the only God. The Holy One is different from us as a potter is different from the clay.

by Pastor Brian Larson, delivered to the congregation of Lake Shore Church in Chicago on April 18, 2021

Hearing Is Believing

According to the Bible, your eternal destiny stands on what you believe about the story of Jesus’ resurrection. As you decide, would it help you to know what one man who lived through the events says about it?

by Pastor Brian Larson, delivered to the congregation of Lake Shore Church in Chicago on April 4, 2021