The Story of My New Book

I want to tell you the story of how my new book came about. It is titled Know, and last week it released on Amazon.

The book is the product of praying for wisdom. Two or three years ago, I concluded that I would probably not be able to publish any more books through established publishing companies. I had been working for several years with an agent to find a publisher for another book I had written, but nothing fell into place, and the agent eventually stopped working with me. I did not want to waste months or years trying to find another agent and then more time finding a publisher.

So I wrote this prayer in my inquiring-of-God journal: “Lord, give me wisdom how to publish my books to bring you glory and advance your kingdom and truth in the maximum way possible.” I spoke that prayer numerous times over several years.

In the Fall of 2023, in the middle of one night, I was lying in bed awake and thinking. I had already written a series of blog posts on the subject of praying for wisdom, and as I laid in bed I was thinking about how I could repackage these and add value. That is when the idea came to self-publish this content as a book. I had never self-published a book before and never had any desire to do so.

But at this moment the idea germinated in me—with excitement. I was not worried about how many copies the book would sell or how I would spread the news about it. I wanted to pass on what has been so helpful to me. I figured if I could give a copy to each member of my family and leave copies to my heirs as a heritage, and if the members of my church and the readers of my blog read it, that would be worthwhile.

At the same time, the idea came to make this a workbook, a journal. I had already experienced the difference journaling had made in my successful prayers for wisdom. Moreover I had experienced the power of God’s Word to inspire faith as I had memorized many scriptures on this subject. I realized what would be most helpful to readers would be to combine and rework the material I had already written into a book with space for journaling. Every journaling page would feature a promise from God.

All this came together in about 20 minutes, and it came with excitement.

I wrote in my inquiring-for-wisdom journal: “Answer: Create a workbook for inquiring of the Lord.”

Almost a year later, I invite you to read the final product:

Share with us

I welcome your feedback on the book in the comments below.

Moreover, I would like to hear your stories about how you have prayed for wisdom and received God’s answers. Please share them in the comments.