Praying for wisdom can bring solutions to longstanding, stubborn problems. For example, every week I take one or two hours to create PowerPoint slides to display with my sermons. Although PowerPoint makes many functions easy, for years I could not find a way to simplify two functions I used regularly, and the result was tedious work and lost time.
I tried on various occasions over several years to figure out how to simplify these functions, which included reading Microsoft help pages and doing internet searches. And I prayed for wisdom. Nevertheless, I did not find the answer.
On December 14th, 2024, as I prepared to create my weekly sermon slides, I decided to try again to find a better way to do these two functions. I prayed for wisdom and began reading slowly through the PowerPoint menus. I tried several experiments, but none worked.
Then I saw a command in the PowerPoint menu that appeared to provide a solution. I tried it, and it worked! As simple as that. Why had I not seen this before? Was this feature added to the menu in a recent update? Had I tried it before but done something wrong?
Buoyed by the success, I set out to find an answer for the second function that had eluded me for years, and in less than 15 minutes I found a workaround that would accomplish what I needed.
I cannot explain the sudden success; what I do know is, in the end my prayer was answered. I had occasionally prayed for wisdom about these challenges and occasionally tried to find answers. Eventually God gave me the hope and desire to try again, and then he gave the answers. Perhaps God worked in this way to encourage my faith and then to tell you the story and encourage your faith.
Learn how to inquire of God for wisdom
There are three essentials for successfully asking God for wisdom: faith, perseverance, and a method that will sustain your inquiry until the answer comes. My new book addresses all three. It will change your life for the better. Most importantly, you will grow in the knowledge of God. Get the book on Amazon.