Knowing God by Inquiring for Wisdom

Below is an excerpt from my new book “Know,” releasing on Amazon on September 16, 2024


Recently I was stumped by a technology problem. Our church does not have a building or office space, and so I work from the office in my apartment. Our church also relies on volunteers for bookkeeping, and I oversee the process of our monthly financial records. That means each month I transfer computer files back and forth to our volunteers.

For many years we have transferred files using the cloud (through the internet). Well, recently when I began training a new volunteer, I could not get that to work. It was evening, we were wasting time, and I was frustrated. I decided to end our training session and solve things the next day. Before going to bed, I prayed for wisdom.

The next day I prayed again for wisdom and then began to ponder how to solve the problem. Quickly the answer came to me. It was so simple I am embarrassed to say it. We needed to stop transferring files via the cloud and just use a flash drive, which we could hand back and forth when we transfer the bank statement and other financial documents. For a long time we had been using a system that was unnecessarily complicated. Mentally I had been accustomed to it, so I needed God to open my mind to other options. When I prayed for wisdom, that is what he did.

More Answers

Would I have found that solution without asking for wisdom? All I know is, I regularly get stuck and stay stuck and frustrated with problems large and small—until I pray for wisdom. Then, in God’s timing, the answer suddenly comes to me, in ways that seem normal and natural—rarely dramatic. Usually the answers seem so unsurprising that I wonder why I had not thought of them earlier. Everything works better for me when I ask God for wisdom.

Knowing God

Learning to pray for wisdom for everything that matters to you is an important way to know God practically, in daily experience, as someone you can rely on to help you. Knowing God and his ways is not just an intellectual experience; it is also a lived experience of prayer, trust, and dependence. If we know how to explain God doctrinally but do not know how to depend on him for what we need, we are missing something important and wonderful.

My new book on inquiring of God releases in two weeks!

inquiring for wisdom

On Monday, September 16, 2024, my new book titled Know: A Workbook for Gaining Wisdom from God about Everything That Matters to You releases on Amazon, in hardback, for $14.

I believe it can build your faith to pray for wisdom and thereby change your life. Most importantly, as I wrote above, it will help you know and walk better with God.

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